Putting your house in a trust in Florida involves creating legal documents that transfer ownership of your property to a trustee. This process typically includes drafting a trust agreement, preparing a new deed, and recording it with the county, allowing you to control how your home is managed and distributed after your death.

A quitclaim deed is the preferred type of deed for this purpose, although a warranty deed will also work.

Putting your house into a trust does not cause you to lose your homestead exemption. However, the trust should include a paragraph stating that the home and any replacement home will be used by the beneficiaries as their principal residence.

A trust has three parts:

  1. a grantor (you), who sets up the trust
  2. a trustee, who controls the trust assets (often you as well)
  3. one or more beneficiaries (typically you while you are living, and often your descendants upon your death.

Benefits of Putting Your House in a Trust

Putting your house in a trust, such as a revocable living trust, offers some estate planning benefits in Florida, but some downsides as well.

In Florida, putting your house in a trust avoids having to probate the home upon your death. Probate can be an expensive and time-consuming process. However, your homestead is not a probate asset and can typically be disposed of in a simplified process, although one that still often requires an attorney.

Outside of probate avoidance, another benefit concerns your incapacity. A homeowner who becomes ill and unable to manage their own affairs still has full control and responsibility over the homestead while they are alive.

But if the homestead is in a trust, the elderly or ill person can simply resign as trustee, allowing the more able successor trustee to control the home. Even though the successor trustee will have control over the homestead asset, the original homeowner can remain the lifetime beneficiary of the trust and the homestead.

Often a successor trustee will be an adult child, who is more likely to be able to maintain the home.

The biggest downside to putting your home in a trust in Florida is the cost. A standard revocable living trust will typically cost between $1,500 and $2,500, depending on whether you update your other estate planning documents at the same time.

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Can a revocable trust get a homestead exemption in Florida?

Yes, a house inside a Florida revocable trust can still qualify for the homestead exemption. Under Florida law, a person is entitled to the Florida homestead exemption even after the property is conveyed to a living trust.

We typically advise married clients to keep their homestead in personal names and to only convey the home to a trust after the death of a spouse. When a client is married, the home will automatically pass to the surviving spouse, who is guaranteed at least a life estate under Florida law.

Other situations, such as unmarried clients or when the home is not to pass to the client’s children, may warrant transfer to a trust soon