Person handling being sued in a car accident

If someone sues you after a car accident, you can still protect your assets using Florida exemption laws. Your homestead, head of household wages, joint marital property, and multi-member LLCs are protected from collection after a car accident lawsuit. Other assets may also be exempt under Florida law.

Can You Lose Your House Due to an At-Fault Car Accident?

The short answer is no: you cannot lose your house due to an at-fault car accident.

Florida law protects the home of the driver and the owner of the vehicle. The homestead exemption covers an unlimited amount of value, but it is limited to a house situated on a half-acre lot in a city and 160 acres in an unincorporated county. There may be other exemptions that protect the at-fault driver’s house, including tenants by entireties protection.

How to Protect Your Assets After a Car Accident

Adequate liability insurance, including an umbrella policy, is the best asset protection against car accident liability. In most cases, the injured party’s attorney will settle their claim for an amount within the limits of the defendant’s insurance. The reason is that the plaintiff’s goal is to get the most money for the least amount of effort. They want quick settlements, not protracted litigation. An insurance settlement includes a release of the car driver and owner. The car owner and driver will not have personal liability if the plaintiff’s claim is resolved and paid by insurance.

But sometimes, car accident cases do turn into lawsuits, particularly if the driver carries minimum insurance or the defendant appears to have substantial unprotected assets. When the at-fault driver and car owner maintain an insurance policy with inadequate personal injury limits, the injured person may decide that they can collect more money through litigation and a money judgment than through an insurance settlement.

Defendants with inadequate insurance need properly planned asset protection to avoid collection on a personal judgment and to improve their negotiating position during the settlement process.

To protect your assets after a car accident, you should (1) discuss with the insurance carrier whether the damages will be within your policy limits, (2) determine which asset are already exempt, (3) implement a plan to protect vulnerable assets, and (4) submit a financial affidavit that shows your assets will be difficult to collect.

Florida residents who have been sued after a car accident can take advantage of the many protections provided by Florida statutes and common law even after the accident has occured.

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What Can Someone Sue for in a Car Accident?

A car accident victim can sue for damages caused by the negligent driver or the owner of the vehicle. This includes loss of income, medical bills, and damage to property.

Once they get a judgment against you, they can use various tools to collect a personal money judgment from a car accident lawsuit. For example, the creditor may examine nearly all the debtor’s financial documents, including bank records, tax returns, and wage statements. The judgment creditor can take the debtor’s deposition under oath and obtain detailed information about the debtor’s assets and financial history.

Therefore, planning to hide assets from a potential judgment creditor is not a good asset protection plan.

Writs of garnishment directed against the defendant’s bank accounts and their wages are usually the plaintiff creditor’s most effective tool to collect money following a car accident judgment. A judgment creditor may obtain a writ of garnishment from the clerk of court and proceed to serve the writ on the debtor’s bank. Upon receiving the writ of garnishment, a bank will freeze all bank accounts that include the debtor’s name on the account title.

The bank must file a formal response to a writ of garnishment that states how the frozen accounts were titled and how much money was in each of the debtor’s accounts when the bank was served with the garnishment documents. The debtor has an opportunity to dissolve the garnishment freeze if the debtor can show that the money in the bank accounts is exempt from collection under Florida law.

The plaintiff can also garnish wages payable to the judgment debtor. The plaintiff can direct the debtor’s employer to withhold and pay to the plaintiff up to 25% of the debtor’s wages net of tax withholding and other required deductions. Wage garnishments remain in effect continually during the debtor’s employment or until the debt is paid.

Florida law provides debtors defenses to these creditor collection tools. Debtors who qualify as head of family (also called head of household) under Florida law are usually exempt from wage garnishment.

In addition, wages of a head-of-household deposited into a bank account retain their exempt character for up to six months. A debtor may have other defenses against wage garnishment based upon procedural defects in the creditor’s garnishment.

Bank accounts are exempt from garnishment if owned jointly with the debtor’s non-debtor spouse as tenants by entireties or if the accounts hold money exempt from collection such as social security, disability, or annuity proceeds.

Filling Out a Financial Affidavit

Soon after a car accident, an insurance company may request that an insured defendant fill out a financial affidavit. The plaintiff and insurance company want information about the defendant’s assets to decide if they should settle within insurance policy limits or pursue the defendant for a money judgment.

You don’t have to fill out the financial affidavit. No law in Florida requires you to submit it. That said, sometimes the financial affidavit is helpful. The defendant wants to demonstrate that collection of a civil judgment would be difficult. In that case, the plaintiff is more likely to settle with the insurance company for an amount within the policy limits.

It is important that the defendant review their asset protection situation before submitting an affidavit. An affidavit is signed under oath, and the defendant does not want to intentionally falsify asset information on the affidavit. The defendant can employ asset protection tools to increase protection first and then send in the affidavit.

The at-fault driver’s best course is to review their asset protection status, fix any issues, and then consider a financial affidavit. A well-planned financial affidavit can increase negotiating leverage leading to a settlement that avoids a lawsuit.

What Happens When Car Accident Claim Exceeds Insurance Limits in Florida?

When auto accident damages exceed the driver’s insurance limits by substantial amounts, the plaintiff may elect to turn down a quick insurance settlement and sue the driver. The plaintiff must prove in court the defendant’s liability, and the plaintiff must prove that they suffered damages commensurate with their claim. Anything is possible in a court of law and jury trial; the jury award may be less, or more, than what the insurance company offers.

When the injured plaintiff chooses to file a suit instead of accepting an insurance settlement, the lawsuit could result in a judgment against the driver and owner for an amount above the insurance policy. In the event of an excess judgment, the insurance provider still pays up to the amount of the policy, and the plaintiff will try to recover the balance of the judgment from the defendant’s personal assets.  

The most likely scenario for a car accident lawsuit is when (1) the insurance policy limit is low compared to the damages incurred and (2) the liable parties (at-fault driver or owner of the vehicle) have a substantial amount of assets at risk of collection.

Being Sued for a Car Accident When You Have No Assets

Lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming. The vast majority of car accident plaintiffs and their lawyers prefer a quick and easy insurance settlement, no matter how small, rather than filing a lengthy, expensive, and risky lawsuit against someone that does not have any assets.

The same applies to people that do have some or even a substantial amount of assets, but who are able to protect those assets from creditors.

FAQs about Car Accident Liability

How much can someone sue for a car accident?

In Florida, there is no limit on the amount of compensation that someone can sue for as because of a car accident. However, the amount must be documented and supported by evidence of damages. Car accident damages include medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of future earnings, and ongoing damage for loss of functioning.

It does not matter if the injured person has medical insurance. Medical bills (which can be very high) are included in the amount of damages. Effective asset protection may be able to protect your assets from a claimant.

Can someone sue you personally after a car accident?

In Florida, a person injured in a car accident is entitled to sue the at-fault driver and the owner of the at-fault driver’s vehicle. The liability of the car owner is capped at $600,000 pursuant to Florida Statute 324.021. While most car accident cases will settle within the policy limits, cases that do not settle can result in a lawsuit.

Can someone sue you after your insurance pays or settles?

In most cases, a person cannot sue you after your insurance pays the plaintiff. If the at-fault driver’s insurance company settles with the injured person, the settlement documents will include a release of all claims. A release means that the injured person cannot afterward sue the at-fault driver or the vehicle owner.

For how long can someone sue you after a car accident?

An injured person has four years after a car accident to sue the at-fault driver or the owner of the at-fault driver’s vehicle. The four-year timeline stems from Section 95.11 of Florida law.

What happens if you lose a car accident lawsuit?

If you lose a car accident lawsuit in Florida, the injured person becomes a judgment creditor. They can use various judgment collection tools to collect on their judgment.

However, proper asset protection planning could make it difficult for the judgment creditor to collect on their judgment. Florida residents have available some of the strongest asset protection tools in the country.

What happens if someone sues you for more than your insurance covers?

If an injured person wins a lawsuit against you for an amount more than what your insurance covers, your insurance policy will still pay the amount of the liability policy limit toward satisfaction of the judgment. You would be responsible for the balance of the monetary judgment. However, effective asset protection makes it difficult for the injured person to collect on the balance of the judgment.

Do you have to provide a financial affidavit after a car accident?

No. Florida law does not require you to complete a financial affidavit for your insurance company or for the injured person. However, in most cases, a financial affidavit that shows you are not wealthy and that you have few non-exempt assets helps the plaintiff’s attorney convince their client to settle the claim.

Gideon Alper

About the Author

Gideon Alper is an attorney who specializes in asset protection planning. He graduated with honors from Emory University Law School and has been practicing law for almost 15 years.

Gideon and the Alper Law firm have advised thousands of clients about how to protect their assets from creditors.

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