Schedule a Car Accident Consultation

In over thirty years, we’ve helped thousands of clients protect their assets from creditors.

Choose a time below to schedule a phone or Zoom consultation with attorney Gideon Alper. We help clients throughout Florida. Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Review your legal and financial situation.
    We’ll learn more about your need for asset protection planning and get the full picture of your assets, income, liabilities, and family situation.
  • Evaluate your existing setup.
    We’ll determine what is already protected from creditors and what needs further protection.
  • Advise you what to do.
    We’ll tell you what your legal options are to protect any exposed assets. You should come away from the consultation knowing exactly what steps you can take.
Florida asset protection attorneys Jon Alper and Gideon Alper, part of Alper Law

Consultations are scheduled for a half-hour minimum. While many consultations finish within the first half-hour, clients are charged for any additional time in 15-minute increments.

The legal fee is $350 for the first 30 minutes, plus $175 per any additional 15 minutes