Researching SBA debt collection law

How Does SBA Debt Collection Work?

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has specific procedures for debt collection when a borrower defaults on an SBA loan. When a borrower defaults on an SBA loan, the lender typically sends a notice of default….

Judgment Lien Renewal in Florida

A judgment lien is a legal mechanism where a creditor secures their ability to collect against a given piece of property. With a Florida judgment lien, a creditor can encumber your property, including real estate,…

Steps to Levy in Florida

A levy is a collection method used by creditors to collect on a judgment. With a levy, a creditor can get an order directing the sheriff’s office to seize the debtor’s personal property and apply…

Execution and Levy in Florida

Execution and levy is a legal process a creditor uses to collect on a judgment. In Florida, execution and levy use a writ of execution to seize any of the debtor’s assets, including tangible personal…

Disadvantages of an Offshore Trust

An offshore trust is one of the best asset protection tools available for U.S. residents. The trust allows you to transfer your assets to an offshore trustee. tHe offshore trustee is not subject to U.S….

Divorce to protect assets

Can Divorce Be Used to Protect Your Assets?

A divorce designed for asset protection does not usually protect assets because courts can still find that transfers made according to a marital settlement agreement are fraudulent transfers. Some clients ask me whether getting divorced…

Corporate Transparency Act: Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Corporate Transparency Act? The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) is a new federal law that requires LLCs and corporations in Florida and other states to file certain personal information about the beneficial owners…

Types of Joint Ownership in Florida

Joint ownership of property describes two or more people who own real or personal property together. There are three types of joint ownership in Florida: Each type of joint ownership has different legal consequences for estate…

If Someone Sues You, Can They Take Your House?

Quick answer: a judgment creditor cannot take your home. A Florida homestead is completely protected from execution of money judgments. If someone sues you, they can take several steps to collect your assets to satisfy…

Florida Small Estate Affidavit

A small estate affidavit in Florida is a step in a summary administration, which allows for the distribution of a deceased person’s assets without the need for probate court. This process is typically used when…

Piercing the Corporate Veil vs. Alter-Ego in Florida

I got a call from a Florida businessman who owned a business in Jacksonville which had been sued. The court awarded a judgment against the business, but there is no judgment against the owner personally. The…

Revocable vs Irrevocable Trust in Florida

Trusts have many purposes, including avoiding probate, reducing estate taxation, or protecting assets from creditor risk. The type of trust and the terms of trust depend on the priority of various planning goals. When it…

Getting Sued After Selling a Business

An entrepreneur builds a profitable business with many years of hard work, long hours, and some luck. Dreaming of an exit and comfortable retirement, he makes the business available for sale. A larger company makes a…

Gun Trust Ownership of Pistols with a Stabilizing Brace

The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) issued a new rule (Rule 2021R-08F) addressing stabilizing braces used to convert pistols into short-barreled rifles, defined as a rifle having a barrel of fewer than 16…

What Is a Vacation Home LLC?

A vacation home LLC is a family business that allows a vacation home owner to pass down their property, specifying how the property can be used and how decisions will be made. Many people from…

How to Protect Real Estate From Creditors

Protecting real estate after a lawsuit is filed against you is relatively difficult. Creditor collection remedies targeting real estate are easy and effective, and that real estate is fixed in place and cannot be moved…

What is a Trust Protector in Florida?

In Florida, a trust protector is an individual or financial institution named in the trust agreement that facilitates the administration of a trust. Having a trust protector is not required—it is an optional feature of…

Protecting a Landlord from Tenant Liability

Landlords who lease residential or commercial property to tenants should be concerned about liability stemming from the tenant or guests of the tenant. For example, a tenant or a guest of the tenant could become…

Florida Summary Administration

Summary administration in Florida is a simplified process that provides a cheaper and quicker way to wind up a deceased person’s assets compared to formal probate. In order to file summary administration, (1) the value…

What Happens to a Power of Attorney After Death?

In Florida, a power of attorney ends after the death of the principal. A power of attorney is a legal document provided by Chapter 709 of Florida law that allows one person (called a “principal”)…

Wage Garnishment of Employee Benefits

Sometimes clients want to know if their employee benefits can be subject to wage garnishment. The answer is no. Employee benefits cannot be garnished through a wage garnishment in Florida. Court Interpretation Florida courts have…

Inheriting homestead property in Florida

Inheriting Homestead Property in Florida

Inheritance of a Florida homestead is fast and easy. A Florida homestead is not subject to probate. Probate proceedings involve only assets subject to creditor claims. The Florida homestead is exempt from creditors, so it…

Can a Foreign Trust Own S Corp Stock?

What is an S Corp? Some people set up offshore LLCs and foreign trusts to protect their ownership in a U.S.-based business. Most small businesses, whether they be corporations or limited liability companies, are arranged…

Can stocks be garnished

Can Stocks Be Garnished?

In most cases, stocks and brokerage accounts can be garnished by a creditor with a money judgment. However, sometimes a brokerage account may be exempt from garnishment due to federal or state law. Brokerage Garnishment…

Is Florida a Community Property State?

Community property is a system where property acquired during the marriage is considered to be owned jointly by both spouses. Community property states use the law to classify all assets, including income, real estate, personal…